Pot size (diameter): 5.5 cm, Approx Length: 10 cm.
Supplied in a plastic pot. Fits our Pink Ceramic Plant Pot For Baby Plants, Waves Pot, Boule Mini Plant Pot, Mini St Tropez Plant Pot and Happy Face Pink Plant Pot.
Pot size (diameter): 12 cm, Approx Length: 20 cm.
Supplied in a plastic pot. Photographed in our St Tropez Pearl 14 x 15 cm pot. Also fits our Pisa Pot & Alicante Plant Pot 15 x 14cm.
This beautiful pink plants dainty leaves will grow more vibrant the more light you expose it to. An easy-care succulent plant which is happy to be left on a windowsill and not fussy about missing the occasional watering.
Please be aware that Crassula Marginalis has delicate stems that are prone to snapping during transit and you are likely to lose quite a few strands, but don't worry you can propagate these to make more plants!
Light: Bright sun light will promote the best growth and most vibrant colours.
Water: Let the soil completely dry out between waterings, bottom watering is advised but do not let the plant sit in water.
Food: Will appreciate being fertilised every few weeks during the growing season; use a light cacti fertiliser.
Humidity: Will thrive in a normal home humidity but will also tolerate dry air.