Pot size (diameter): 9/10 cm. Approx Height: 20 - 25 cm.
Supplied in a plastic pot. Fits our Small White Fleur De Lis Pot and Terracotta Plant Pot D13.5 cm x 11.5 cm.
An easy care plant which loves to be in a sunny spot and isn't too fussy about being under watered. A relative of the Swiss Cheese Plant, the Monstera Monkey Mask is characterised by its long oval fenestrations within the leaf.
Please note that due to their large and relatively delicate leaves, they may experience some minor cosmetic damage from transit.
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Light: Prefers bright, indirect light, but will also tolerate medium light (expect slower growth & leaf size).
Water: In the summer keep the soil moist, water when the top half dries out. However, more tolerant of being under watered than over watered (leaves will turn yellow when over watering occurs). In winter cut back on watering and allow to dry out before fully saturating the soil.
For best results water from underneath with the use of a saucer to reduce the chance of root rot. Reduce watering during winter months.
Food: Fertilise regularly during the growing season (every other water), these plants will quickly develop discolouration on their leaves when under fertilised.
Humidity: Benefits most being in a high humidity environment, however is tolerant of a normal household humidity.