Please note current stock is a little shorter than the photographed example but will catch up quickly!
Potsize (diameter): 6 cm, Approx Height: 12 - 15 cm.
Supplied in a plastic pot. Fits our Boule mini plant pot, Waves Pot , Happy Face Pink Plant Pot and St Tropez 8 x 8cm pot.
In the wild the Ficus Elastica can grow up to 40 metres tall, when kept in their ideal conditions at home they can also grow pretty rapidly to fill your space - just make sure that you are fertilising regularly and repotting when the roots outgrow the nursery pot (although, this little baby plant will take a while to reach those kinds of heights!).
This variety of Rubber Plant has dark, thick leaves which contrast against its dark red sheaths as new leaves emerge.
Light: Bright, indirect light will make this plant thrive. They can grow in a lower, medium lever light, however it will stunt growth and take longer for the plants soil to dry between waterings.
Water: Water once at least the top 2/3 of soil has dried out, do not let it sit in water. Reduce watering drastically in winter months.
Feed: During growing months apply a weak fertiliser once a month.
Humidity: Will tolerate a normal household humidity however for increased growth and bigger leaves an increased humidity will be ideal.